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982 building in New Mexico

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Vol Andia Pumping Station  Alameda
Wagner Hall  Albuquerque East
Walden Hall  Las Cruces
Walker Number One Pumping Station  Alameda
Walter W Lyman Ranch House  Watrous
Washington Apartments  Albuquerque East
Watson House  Los Griegos
Weigle Hall  Santa Fe
Weir Hall  Socorro
Wells Hall  Socorro
Wesley House  Portales
West Campus Apartments  Portales
West Hall  Socorro
West Mesa Pumping Station  Los Griegos
Western Hotel  Carrizozo West
Western New Mexico Correctional Facility Library  Grants
Western New Mexico University Museum  Silver City
Wheelwright Museum  Santa Fe
Whittlesey House  Albuquerque East
William Baskin House Historic Site  Artesia
William Hall  Las Cruces
William Redding House  San Lorenzo
Willie D Atkeson House  Artesia
Womens Residence Center  Las Cruces
Woodward Lecture Hall  Albuquerque East
Woolworth Community Library  Jal NW
Wyoming Regional Branch Library  Albuquerque West
Yale Pumping Station  Alameda
Young Hall  Las Cruces
Zimmerman Library Building  Albuquerque East
Zingerle House  Socorro
Zohn Theatre  Las Cruces

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