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789 lake in North Dakota

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Horseshoe Lake  Niagara SW
Horseshoe Lake  Bitter Lake
Horseshoe Lake  Towner NE
Horseshoe Lake  Hankinson
Horseshoe Lake  Carpenter Lake
Horseshoe Lake  Brush Lake
Hoskins, Lake  Ashley West
Howard Lake  Lake Upsilon SW
Howells Lake  Pelican Lake
Huff Lake  Carpenter Lake
Hufty Lake  Lake Upsilon
Hultman Lake  Lisbon SE
Hurricane Lake  Hurricane Lake West
Hutchinson Lake  Lake Helen
Ibsen, Lake  Leeds
Iowa Lake  Kunkel Lake
Irvine, Lake  Churchs Ferry
Isabel, Lake  Tappen South
Island Lake  Spiritwood
Island Lake  Boundary Lake
Island Lake  Helde Lake
Island Lake  Wishek
Island Lake  Island Lake
Island Lake  Carpenter Lake
Iverson Lake  Thompson Lake
Iverson Slough  Thompson Lake
Jack Lake  Bordulac NE
Jaff Slough  Cleveland SE
Jarvis Lake  Lake Upsilon
Jay Lake  Carpenter Lake
Jensen Lake  Vanville NE
Jensen Lake  Hamlet
Jerrys Slough  Thompson Lake
Jessie, Lake  Binford
Johns Lake  McClusky
Johnson Lake  Johnson Lake
Johnson Lake  Lake Upsilon SW
Johnson Lake  Martin
Johnsons Lake  Helde Lake
Jones Lake  Sutton NE
Jones Lake  Bartlett
Jones Lake  International Peace Garden
Jones Lake  Mertz Slough
Josephine, Lake  Lake Helen
Juanita Lake  Juanita
Jud Chrests Lake  Helde Lake
Juneau Lake  Boundary Lake
Kandiotta Lake  Cayuga NW
Kandt Lake  Drake SW
Kee Lake  Eckelson SE

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