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1340 flat in Oregon

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Jackman Park  Wildhorse Lake
Jake Lakes  Hardin Ranch
James Meadow  Howard Butte
Japanese Meadow  Austin
Jarboe Meadow  Fry Meadow
Jeerys Flat  Signal Buttes
Jerome Prairie  Wilderville
Jerry Flat  Nickel Mountain
Jerrys Lake  Keg Springs Valley West
Jessie Flat  Hastings Peak
Jim Lake  Frederick Butte
Jim Meadow  Mount Lowe
Joe Lake  Sage Hen Butte
Joes Prairie  Groundhog Mountain
John Young Meadows  Flagtail Mountain
Johnson Flat  Imperial Valley South
Johnson Meadow  Antler Point
Johnson Meadows  Bearbones Mountain
Johnson Prairie  Little Chinquapin Mountain
Jonas Flat  Keeney Point
Jones Lake  Potato Lake
Jones and Ausmus Flat  Coleman Mountain
Joso Meadow  Akers Butte
Junction Lake  Meadow Lake
Juniper Bed Grounds  Irish Lake
Juniper Flat  Sumpter
Juniper Flat  Tygh Valley
Juniper Flat  Jennies Peak
Juniper Flat  Chimney Springs
Juniper Glade  Parker Mountain
Juniper Lake  Sheeplick Draw
Kates Dairy  Harvey Creek
Keddy Field  Campbell Reservoir
Keeney Meadow  Sharp Ridge
Keeney Meadows  Johnson Saddle
Kelly Prairie  Arbuckle Mountain
Kelsay Meadows  Kelsay Butte
Kenney Meadows  Dutchman Peak
Kenny Prairie  Matlock Prairie
Kentucky Flat  Bridgeport
Kerby Flat  Eight Dollar Mountain
Kettle Belly Glade  Dutchman Peak
Kettleson Meadow  Fry Meadow
Killin Wetlands  Gales Creek
Kimball Flat  Drewsey
Knox Meadow  Knox Mountain
Krueger Field  Crane
Kuckup Park  Mount Jefferson
La Dee Flat  Bedford Point
La Voy Lakes  Walls Lake

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