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1973 civil in South Dakota

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Lemon, No. 2, Unorganized Territory of  Thunder Hawk SW
Lennox, City of  Lennox
Leola, City of  Leola
Leola, Township of  South Shore
Leola, Township of  Leola
Lesterville, Town of  Lesterville
Lesterville, Township of  Lesterville
Letcher, Town of  Letcher
Letcher, Township of  Letcher
Lewellyn Park, Township of  Iron Post Buttes SE
Liberty, Township of  Lake Byron SE
Liberty, Township of  Savo NE
Liberty, Township of  Black Horse SW
Liberty, Township of  Stangland Slough
Liberty, Township of  Stafford Dam
Liberty, Township of  Parkston
Liberty, Township of  Presho SE
Liberty, Township of  Haynes SW
Liberty, Township of  Akaska SW
Lien, Township of  New Effington
Lily, Town of  Lily
Limestone, Township of  Oelrichs
Lincoln , Township of (historical)  Grindstone
Lincoln , Township of (historical)  Rutland NW
Lincoln , Township of (historical)  Canova East
Lincoln , Township of (historical)  Spink Colony
Lincoln County  Canton SW
Lincoln, Township of  Kloucek Lake
Lincoln, Township of  Richmond
Lincoln, Township of  Flat Lake
Lincoln, Township of  Raymond SE
Lincoln, Township of  Hillside
Lincoln, Township of  Hot Springs SE
Lincoln, Township of  Reva NW
Lincoln, Township of  Highmore
Lincoln, Township of  Murdo
Lincoln, Township of  Alcester NW
Lincoln, Township of  Wetonka North
Lincoln, Township of  Lemmon
Lincoln, Township of  Gettysburg
Lincoln, Township of  Glendale Colony
Lincoln, Township of  Blunt
Lincoln, Township of  Dallas
Linn, Township of  Rockham SW
Lisbon, Township of  Betts
Lithia , Township of (historical)  Angostura Reservoir
Little Bend, Township of  No Heart Creek SW
Little Buffalo, Township of  Weta
Little Oak, Township of  Miscol SW
Lockwood, Township of  Big Stone Lake East

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