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11756 Church in Texas

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Bright Light Church  Anahuac
Bright Star Church  Domino
Bright Star Church  Iron Bridge Dam
Bright Star Missionary Baptist Church  Hutchins
Bright Star Missionary Baptist Church  Houston Heights
Bright and Morning Star Baptist Church  San Antonio East
Brighter Hope Missionary Baptist Church  Park Place
Brighton Park Baptist Church  Oso Creek NE
Bring Your Bible Baptist Church  Annaville
Brisby Chapel  Todd City
Broadview Baptist Church  Fort Worth
Broadway Baptist Church  Park Place
Broadway Baptist Church of Christ  Sweetwater
Broadway Church  Galveston
Broadway Church of Christ  Lubbock East
Broadway Church of Christ  Tyler South
Brock Baptist Church  Brock
Brock Methodist Church  Brock
Bronte Church of Christ  Bronte
Brook Hollow Baptist Church of De Soto  Lancaster
Brook Hollow Christian Church of Christ  Abilene West
Brookfield Baptist Church  Almeda
Brookhollow Baptist Church  Cypress
Brooks Chapel  Millican
Brooks Chapel  Fair Play
Brooksdale Baptist Church  San Antonio East
Brookshier Church  Maverick
Brookshire Community Church  Brookshire
Brookview Church  Waco West
Brookview Church of Christ  Waco West
Brown Chapel  Ponder
Brown Chapel  Keechi
Brown Chapel  Oakland
Brown Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church  Houston Heights
Brown Spring Church  Northeast Palestine
Brown Trail Baptist Church  Hurst
Brownfield United Pentecostal Church  Brownfield West
Brownlee Baptist Church  Corpus Christi
Browns Chapel  Patroon South
Browns Chapel  Pritchett
Browns Chapel Methodist Church  San Angelo South
Brownsville Missionary Baptist Church  East Brownsville
Brownwood Baptist Church  Orange
Brownwood Church  Montgomery
Broyles Chapel  Northwest Palestine
Broyles Church  Riverside
Brushie Prairie Church  Dawson
Brushy Creek Church  Pert
Bruton Terrace Church of the Nazarene  Hutchins
Bryarly Church  White Rock

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