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6323 school in Wisconsin

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Cardinal Stritch College  Thiensville
Carey School (historical)  Honey Island
Carleton Elementary School  Milwaukee
Carlson School (historical)  New Auburn
Carlson School (historical)  Price
Carlton School (historical)  Kewaunee
Carlyle School (historical)  Hatfield NE
Carmichael School (historical)  Nerike Hill
Carpenter School  Dairyland
Carpenter School  Superior
Carpenter School  Rewey
Carpenter School (historical)  Dairyland
Carpenter School (historical)  Ringle
Carpenter School (historical)  Waverly
Carpenter School (historical)  Whitehall
Carr Creek School (historical)  Emerald
Carr School  Cuba City
Carrie E Morgan Grade School  Appleton
Carroll College  Waukesha
Carrolton Elementary School  South Milwaukee
Carson School (historical)  Brillion
Carter School  Manchester
Carter School (historical)  West Lima
Carthage College  Kenosha
Cartmill School (historical)  Stevens Point
Cary Bluff School (historical)  Pittsville
Cary Public School (historical)  Ironwood
Cary School (historical)  Rocky Run
Cascade Elementary School  Cascade
Cascade School (historical)  Urne
Case Elementary School  Two Rivers
Casey School (historical)  Ogdensburg
Cashton Elementary School  Westby
Cashton High School  Westby
Casimir School (historical)  Stevens Point
Cass School (historical)  Rising Sun
Cass Street Elementary School  Milwaukee
Cass Valley School (historical)  Castle Rock
Cassian-Woodboro Elementary School  Harshaw
Cassoday School (historical)  Wausau West
Castle Rock Elementary School  Easton
Caswell School (historical)  Pleasantville
Cataract Elementary School  Cataract
Catawba Middle School  Kennan
Catfish School  Waunakee
Cathedral Institute  Milwaukee
Cathedral School  Superior
Catholic Memorial High School  Waukesha
Catlin School (historical)  Loyal East
Cato Falls School (historical)  Valders

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