Upload Picture of Belvedere, GA

Before you upload, here're a few simple rules

  1. Please use JPG format only.
  2. Please fill all mandatory fields.
  3. You must be authorized to submit the photo.
  4. Uploads should be at least 800x600 in size but not to exceed 1600x1200 pixels.
  5. The file size must not exceed 1MB.
  6. Quality, light, esthetic and realism are important criteria, like in real photography.
  7. Do not send the same or similar shots all over again.
  8. A copyright notice will always be shown with the photo.
  9. All photos subject to screening & approval.
  10. By submitting the photo, you grant EachTown.com and it's affiliate websites rights to reproduce and publish your photo.
* denoted a mandatory field
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,   e.g. Dallas, Texas
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Date taken (YYYY-MM-DD)  (leave empty if unknown)
I have read and accept the terms above.

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