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11173 school in California

Page: «  11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20  »Page 15 of 224
Belridge Elementary School  Belridge
Belshaw Elementary School  Antioch South
Belvedere Elementary School  Los Angeles
Belvedere Elementary School  Harrison Mountain
Belvedere Middle School  Los Angeles
Belvedere School  San Francisco North
Belwood School  Simi Valley East
Bemis Elementary School  San Bernardino South
Ben Ali School  Sacramento East
Ben Hill Elementary School  Grass Valley
Ben Hulse Elementary School  El Centro
Ben Hur School  Ben Hur
Ben Lomond Elementary School  Baldwin Park
Ben Lomond School (historical)  Felton
Ben Painter Elementary School  Calaveras Reservoir
Benchley-Weinberger Elementary School  La Mesa
Bend Elementary School  Bend
Bender School (historical)  Burrel
Bender Union School  Burrel
Benicia High School  Benicia
Benicia Middle School  Benicia
Benicia Primary School  Benicia
Benito Juarez Elementary School  Los Alamitos
Benito Juarez Elementary School  Anaheim
Benjamin Bubb Elementary School  Mountain View
Benjamin Cory Elementary School  San Jose West
Benjamin F Beswick Elementary School  Tustin
Benjamin Foxen Elementary School  Sisquoc
Benjamin Franklin Elementary School  Burbank
Benjamin Franklin Elementary School  Anaheim
Benjamin Franklin Elementary School  Tustin
Benjamin Franklin Elementary School  Riverside East
Benjamin Franklin Intermediate School  San Francisco South
Benjamin Franklin Middle School  San Francisco North
Benne School  San Jose West
Benner School  Mountain View
Bennett School  Hollywood
Bennett Valley School  Santa Rosa
Bennett Valley Union Elementary School  Santa Rosa
Bennett-Kew Elementary School  Inglewood
Berean Christian School  Vine Hill
Berenda Elementary School  Berenda
Beresford Park Elementary School  San Mateo
Berkeley Adult School  Oakland West
Berkeley Arts Magnet School  Richmond
Berkeley Christian School  Richmond
Berkeley Hall School  Beverly Hills
Berkeley High School  Oakland West
Berkwood School  Oakland West
Berlyn Elementary School  Ontario

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