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11173 school in California

Page: «  11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20  »Page 18 of 224
Bixby Elementary School  Long Beach
Bixby Elementary School  La Habra
Bixby School  Los Alamitos
Bixby School (historical)  Los Alamitos
Black Butte Elementary School  Inwood
Black Foxe Military Institute  Hollywood
Black Hill School (historical)  Bachelor Valley
Black Mountain Middle School  Poway
Black Mountain School  Lodoga
Black Point School (historical)  Novato
Blackford Elementary School  San Jose West
Blackford High School  San Jose West
Blair District School  Camino
Blair High School  Pasadena
Blair School  South Gate
Blake Elementary School  Woody
Blake Hammond Manor School  Felton
Blanchard Elementary School  Santa Paula
Blanchard Flat School  Hoosimbim Mountain
Blanche Reynolds Elementary School  Ventura
Blanche Sprentz Elementary School  Folsom
Blanco School (historical)  Salinas
Blandford Elementary School  La Habra
Blessed Sacrament School  Hollywood
Blessed Sacrament School  San Rafael
Blessed Sacrament School  Anaheim
Bliss School  Tulare
Bliss School (historical)  Glen Ellen
Blockman School (historical)  Sisquoc
Bloomfield Elementary School  Arcata North
Bloomfield School  Los Alamitos
Bloomfield School  Two Rock
Bloomington Christian School  Fontana
Bloomington High School  Fontana
Bloomington Junior High School  Fontana
Blosser Lane Elementary School  Willits
Blossom Hill Elementary School  Los Gatos
Blossom School (historical)  Navarro
Blossom Valley Elementary School  Santa Teresa Hills
Blue Hills Elementary School  Cupertino
Blue Lake Elementary School  Blue Lake
Blue Lake School (historical)  Upper Lake
Blue Mountain School  Capell Valley
Blue Oak Elementary School  Clarksville
Blue Tent School  North Bloomfield
Bluff Prairie School  Redcrest
Blythe Elementary School  Canoga Park
Blythe Middle School  Blythe
Bobby G Duke Middle School  Indio
Bobier Elementary School  San Marcos

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