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1973 civil in South Dakota

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Hanson , Township of (historical)  Ferney
Hanson County  Alexandria
Hanson, Township of  Riverside
Harding , Township of (historical)  Bog Creek
Harding , Township of (historical)  Marcus
Harding County  Buffalo
Harmon, Township of  Rosholt
Harmony, Township of  Ipswich SE
Harmony, Township of  Black Banks Creek East
Harmony, Township of  Cottonwood Lake
Harmony, Township of  Frankfort
Harrisburg, City of  Harrisburg
Harrison, Township of  Orient SW
Harrison, Township of  Long Lake NW
Harrison, Township of  Doland SW
Harrison, Township of  Gettysburg Municipal Airport SW
Harrold, Town of  Harrold
Harrold, Township of  Chapelle Lake NW
Hart, Township of  New Effington
Hartford , Township of (historical)  Newark SW
Hartford, City of  Hartford South
Hartford, Township of  Hartford South
Hartford, Township of  Agar SW
Hartland, Township of  Wolsey
Hartland, Township of  Erwin
Hat Creek , Township of (historical)  Ardmore
Havana, Township of  Victor
Hay Creek , Township of (historical)  Gravel Draw
Hayes, Township of  Fratzke Ranch
Hayti, Town of  Hayti
Hayti, Township of  Hayti
Hazel, Town of  Hazel
Hecla, City of  Hecla
Hecla, Township of  Hecla
Henden, Township of  Oldham SW
Henry, Town of  Henry
Henry, Township of  James
Henry, Township of  Hazel
Herman, Township of  Lake Herman
Hermosa, Town of  Hermosa
Herreid, City of  Herreid
Herreid, Township of  Herreid
Herrick, Town of  Herrick
Herrick, Township of  Wheaton West
Hetland, Town of  Badger
Hezel, Township of  Zeeland SW
Hickman , Township of (historical)  Spain
Hickman, Township of  Langford
Hiddenwood, Township of  Selby
Hidewood, Township of  Estelline NE

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