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1973 civil in South Dakota

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LaGrace, Township of  Pollock NW
Lafayette, Township of  Bald Hills
Lafoon, Township of  Faulkton East
Lake , Township of (historical)  Flat Lake
Lake , Township of (historical)  Freeman
Lake , Township of (historical)  Blunt SE
Lake Andes, City of  Lake Andes
Lake Byron, Township of  Lake Byron
Lake Center , Township of (historical)  Madison
Lake City , Township of (historical)  Lake City
Lake City, Town of  Lake City
Lake County  Ramona
Lake Creek, Township of  Elm Creek Ranch
Lake Creek, Unorganized Territory of  Elm Creek Ranch
Lake Flat, Township of  Wasta SE
Lake George, Township of  Academy
Lake Hendricks, Township of  Hendricks
Lake Hill, Township of  Lake Hill
Lake Norden, City of  Lake Norden
Lake Port, Township of  Tabor SE
Lake Preston, City of  Lake Preston West
Lake Sinai, Township of  Lake Sinai
Lake View, Township of  Lake Madison
Lake, Township of  Archer Hill
Lake, Township of  Willow Lake
Lake, Township of  Watertown West
Lake, Township of  McIntosh
Lake, Township of  Hillhead
Lake, Township of  Wilmot
Lake, Township of  Redfield SW
Lake, Township of  Wewela NE
Lakeside, Township of  Owanka NE
Laketon, Township of  Lake Poinsett
Lamro, Township of  Winner North
Landing Creek, Township of  Dixon NE
Lane, Town of  Lane
Lanesboro, Township of  Bowman-Haley Dam
Langford, Town of  Langford
Lansing, Township of  Houghton
Latham, Township of  Onaka SW
Lawrence County  Lead
Lawrence, Township of  Wagner
Lawrence, Township of  Peever
Le Beau, Township of  Moreau SE
Le Roy, Township of  Madison
Le Sueur, Township of  Bancroft West
Lead, City of  Lead
Lebanon, Town of  Lebanon
Lee, Township of  Wilmot NW
Lemmon, City of  Lemmon

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