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1973 civil in South Dakota

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Howell, Township of  Rockham SW
Hudgins, Township of  Meadow NE
Hudson, Town of  Fairview
Hudson, Township of  Bowdle SW
Huggins, Township of  Keyapaha SE
Hughes County  De Grey NW
Hulbert, Township of  Vayland
Humboldt, Town of  Humboldt
Humboldt, Township of  Grass Lake
Huntley, Township of  Beebe
Hurley , Township of (historical)  Viborg
Hurley, City of  Hurley
Hurley, Township of  Hurley
Huron , Township of (historical)  Broadland
Huron, City of  Huron
Huron, Township of  Lake Hill
Huston , Township of (historical)  Delmont
Huston , Township of (historical)  Dixon SE
Hutchinson County  Parkston SE
Hyde County  Highmore
Hyland , Township of (historical)  Sinai
Ideal, Township of  Ideal
Illinois, Township of  Rice Lake
Imlay, Township of  Quinn Table SE
Independence, Township of  Rose Hill Cemetery
Independence, Township of  Armour
Independence, Township of  Boxcar Buttes
Independence, Unorganized Territory of  Boxcar Buttes
Indian Creek, Township of  Belvidere NE
Indian, Township of  Crowe Dam
Interior, Town of  Interior
Interior, Township of  Cottonwood SE
Iona , Township of (historical)  Iona
Iona, Township of  Iona
Iowa , Township of (historical)  Ottumwa
Iowa, Township of  Tulare SE
Iowa, Township of  New Holland
Iowa, Township of  Okobojo SE
Ipswich, City of  Ipswich
Ipswich, Township of  Ipswich
Irene, City of  Irene
Iroquois, City of  Iroquois
Iroquois, Township of  Iroquois
Irving, Township of  Rezac Lake NE
Irwin, Township of  Colome SE
Isabel, City of  Isabel
Jackson County  Wanblee NW
Jackson, Township of  Tripp SE
Jackson, Township of  Campbell Creek
Jackson, Township of  Feinstein Lake

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